ProjectFlight Mode

The impact of wireless technologies on our everyday lives is increasingly hard to overlook. Because they facilitate our lives on many levels, their integration on all levels of human life has happened without too many questions. Flight Mode raises awareness on this phenomenon for its potential dangers by creating moments of rest and places to recuperate.

The main difference between the electromagnetic radiation from our screens and the radiation from the sun is that one is visible and the other not. We put on sunscreen when we sunbathe, and yet we leave ourselves completely unprotected while our use of computers, smartphones and iPads increases. This we attribute to our lack of awareness. ‘Flight Mode’, is not only the invention of a visualizer that lights up to warn us of a rise in radiation, but also a set of screens, a blanket and pyjamas. These are made from shielding yarns, which act as a Faraday cage and carbon materials that absorb surrounding electromagnetic radiation.
The Whistleblower acts as a candle in the dark by betraying the presence of electromagnetic radiation that is undetected by our senses. More there is electromagnetic activity in the surroundings, more the light intensity increases.
The screens function as interior furnishings. They can be placed to create sheltered zones by absorbing or reflecting the radiation away from a particular area or device.

The textiles were developed using specialised yarns woven into shielding textiles. The blanket and pyjamas therefore bring relief to people with a particular sensibility for electromagnetic radiation or anyone else looking to take a break from their constant presence.
In collaboration with BEKAERT